20 October 2008


Okay, I don't know exactly what possessed me to start blogging. Maybe the impetus is due to laziness on my part to email people and it is a quick way for my family and friends to keep track of me and know what is going on in my crazy life. Whatever the case is, I am blogging!

This past weekend James and I traveled down to San Diego to attend the wedding of one of his teammates, Dirk Copeland. Traveling without a bicycle was a luxury and how nice it is to have only carry on luggage. Especially after doing two transoceanic trips with a broken collarbone (New Zealand to the States and Europe to the States), dealing with only a small rollerbag and my hand purse was awesome!

The trip south also provided us with an opportunity to visit with my friend Jon and his girlfriend, Nicole, who moved down to La Jolla in Septmember. I have known Jon for several year, we met in Vermont, and he lived with James and I for about 6 months. A little known secret about Jon is he is an amazing cook along with being a very good mechanic (a great combination in a roommate for a busy cycling couple, ha!). Our friend Dan, who recently moved to Pheonix, AZ, drove to SD to visit with us as well. We had a great time hanging out and catching up. (Unfortunately I have no photos of the great weekend - will work on being better about posting photos along with my blog.)

Well, thanks for reading and I hope that you find my postings somewhat entertaining so you come back and see what is new.


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